A woman wants to be beautiful and attractive at any age. In their youth, many have natural beauty, which gradually disappears over the years. Wrinkles appear on the skin, hair becomes gray and stiff, and eyelashes become more sparse. Women usually take care of their skin and hair carefully – they make up, use creams, balms and other cosmetics. But many people forget about eyelashes.

A woman wants to be beautiful and attractive at any age

After fifty years, age-related changes begin in the female body. Regeneration processes slow down, which affects not only the condition of the skin and hair, but also the number and quality of eyelashes. Naturally, eyelashes grow throughout life. The full eyelash renewal period is 50 days. But after 50 years the process of eyelash growth slows down. Eyelashes can become more brittle and less voluminous. That is why it is so important not to forget about proper eyelash care.

Women use mascara, false eyelashes, extensions to hide age-related changes in the length and volume of eyelashes. Unfortunately, such methods negatively affect the general condition of natural eyelashes, although they give the desired result. Eyelashes become brittle, thin and sooner or later begin to fall out.

Taking care of eyelashes is just as important as skin, hair, nails. Moisturizing with drops, ointments and gels is good for eyelashes. In addition, you should keep in mind the basic tips for caring for eyelashes of a woman 50 years old and older.

After 50 years the process of eyelash growth slows down

To strengthen the eyelashes, you need to follow some rules that will help maintain the health of the hairs:

  • so that the eyelashes do not dry out and do not break, you need to stop using soap;
  • it is not recommended to sleep with unwashed makeup on your eyes;
  • it is best to choose an oil-based mascara and abandon the twisting and straightening technique;
  • it is useful for lashes to do short-term massages with their fingertips.
Vegetable oils for strengthening eyelashes are perfect

Vegetable oils for strengthening eyelashes are perfect. In two weeks, the first positive result will be visible. The products used to strengthen the eyelashes should be natural. For this purpose, the oil must be unrefined and cold pressed. Most often used for this purpose:

  • Castor oil. Ideal for strengthening.
  • Sea buckthorn. Improves the color and growth of eyelashes.
  • Burdock root oil. It will help with falling out.
  • Olive oil. Prevents brittleness and fragility.
  • Argan, almond, linseed are also suitable.

Since it is not possible to apply mascara after oils, eyelash care must be carried out in the evening, before going to bed. The oils are applied in a warm form, for about an hour. Then wipe the eyelids with a clean, dry cotton pad.

The strengthening course should last about a month, then be sure to take a break for a couple of weeks. The products are used individually or with the addition of other ingredients.

If your eyes get tired in the evening, then in addition to simple care, you should take care of relieving fatigue. Compresses with plant extracts will help in this. You can use medicinal herbs: chamomile, calendula.

Decoctions of herbs serve to strengthen the bulbs in which new eyelashes are formed. Herbs can also be mixed together. We dip a cotton pad into the resulting broth and put it on closed eyes for 15 minutes.

Masks can be prepared to strengthen eyebrows and eyelashes. Recipes and ingredients can be varied. The basis for any mixture is oils. We combine two or three types of oils in equal quantities (for example, castor oil and sea buckthorn), add vitamins, fish oil, aloe juice or carrots.

Masks can be prepared to strengthen eyebrows and eyelashes

You should be careful with carrot juice, as it gives the skin an orange hue. Alternatively, you can add cognac in equal parts to castor oil. A mask of oil to choose from and strong tea is perfect for strengthening. This mask is suitable not only for strengthening, but also for changing the color of eyelashes.

Professional means for strengthening and growth of eyelashes are easy to use and you do not need to mix anything, apply the finished product and wait for the result. However, not all popular activators are good and are able to perform the promised task without harm to health. Toplash serum helps to accelerate the growth of eyelashes, despite age. The serum for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows penetrates into the structure of the hair and restores slow processes. Toplash contains mainly plant extracts and is completely hypoallergenic, so it is very convenient to grow lush eyelashes with it.

Toplash serum helps to accelerate the growth of eyelashes, despite age
Toplash contains mainly plant extracts and is completely hypoallergenic

Home and professional remedies will be effective if you do not forget about the proper care of eyelashes for growth and strengthening. It starts small.

How can I stimulate my eyelashes to grow?

The growth of eyelashes does not stop throughout life. But due to various factors, eyelashes can become more fragile. Perhaps after 50 years you will notice that your eyelashes are not as long and voluminous as in 20 or 30 years. But don't panic. Proper care can fix the situation. If eyelashes grow poorly on the lower or upper eyelid, and need to stimulate eyelashes to grow, it is recommended to adhere to the following tips:

  • The diet has a strong effect on our body, and if there are no problems with it, then you will not face the problem that eyelashes grow poorly. Eat more fruits and vegetables, thereby getting all the necessary nutrients. Pay special attention to products containing carotene: carrots, parsley, red pepper. Eat properly, fully and balanced. In this case, the hairs will be healthy and beautiful.
  • Properly care for the hairs, and they will definitely become long and thick. Regularity is the key to success in the fight against eyelashes that do not grow well. Apply castor oil on them daily. If the eyelids are open, then use the direction from the bottom up. With closed eyes – on the contrary. Use a special brush that will make the application of oil more comfortable.
  • An allergic reaction to certain components may be the reason that eyelashes grow poorly. If you use decorative cosmetics, remove it daily before going to bed with a special milk or cotton pad soaked in hydrophilic oil. After the procedure is completed, wash your face, wipe your eyes with water or chamomile decoction.
  • It is not always possible to get all the necessary substances only from food, so pay attention to vitamin and mineral complexes that you can buy at the pharmacy. The recommended duration of their reception is 30-60 days. If eyelashes and eyebrows grow poorly, choose preparations containing calcium and vitamin E.
How do you get healthy eyelashes?

Oils are your assistants in the fight for strong and long hairs, especially in the case when eyelashes grow poorly.

  • Burdock. Strengthens the lashes and prevents their loss. Rub the oil into the roots of the eyelashes no more than three times a week. Perform the procedure regularly, and the result will become noticeable very quickly.
  • Castor oil. Very effective in the fight for long and strong hairs, helps to improve their structure.
  • Almond. One of the favorites in the fight for strong lashes. Helps to accelerate their growth.
  • Sea buckthorn. It affects the hair follicles, strengthening them. It contains many vitamins and minerals.
  • Wheat germ oil. It is indispensable for skin subject to age-related changes.
  • Peach. It contains nutritional components that relieve inflammation. Strengthens and promotes the growth of bristles.
  • Olive oil. Nourishes eyelashes, makes them thick and long.
  • Jojoba. It has restorative properties.
  • Argan oil. It affects the follicles, nourishing and making them stronger.
  • Camphor. Protects the hairs from external negative influences.
  • Nutty. Nourishes the lashes, helps to strengthen their structure.
  • Coconut. Prevents the loss of bristles, makes them strong and elastic.
  • Linen. It has moisturizing and nourishing functions, helps to strengthen the hairs.

In addition, modern solutions will help restore the growth rate of eyelashes. An eyelash growth serum is a combination of useful substances and scientific achievements. Toplash lash serum is designed to ensure healthy eyelash growth. In addition, the serum nourishes the eyelashes, and they receive all the necessary nutrients. In just a few applications, the eyelashes become longer and more voluminous.

Coconut prevents the loss of bristles, makes them strong and elastic

Professional advice:

Branda M. Heim


How can I grow my eyelashes after 50?

After 50 years, women notice that their eyelashes lack nutrition. They become less long and voluminous. You can thicken your eyelashes with proper care. You can use proven folk remedies, such as oils or masks for eyelashes.

  • The composition consisting of cognac, vaseline and burdock oil, which should be applied with a special brush or brush, will help to make the eyelashes fluffy and thick.
  • To nourish and grow eyelashes, it is necessary to apply a composition of an oil solution of vitamin E, fish oil and olive oil in equal amounts to them for 30 days.
  • Almond oil has a beneficial effect on the growth and condition of eyelashes, if applied to the eyelash hairs every evening.
  • You can prepare a healing composition of carrot juice, rosehip, sea buckthorn and castor oils, which will help make your eyelashes more beautiful.
  • An infusion of birch leaves, which should be applied twice a day, in the morning and in the evening directly to the ciliary zone, will help from the intense loss of eyelashes.
  • For faster growth and renewal of eyelashes, you can use a mixture of Peruvian balsam, castor oil and vaseline. It should be applied very carefully so that the composition does not get into the eyes twice during the day, in the morning and in the evening.It is very easy to prepare a means for the growth of eyelashes from oat flakes, which is obtained by soaking them in boiling water. With this composition, you just need to wipe your eyelashes after removing cosmetics.
  • It is recommended to periodically make an eyelash mask, which can be prepared from a few drops of vitamin A, aloe juice and castor oil. The mask is applied a few hours before bedtime with a cotton pad.

But if you want to achieve a guaranteed and safe result, it is better to choose more modern and effective means. The serum for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows Toplash helps to increase not only the length, but also the volume of eyelashes for women of any age. The serum nourishes the eyelashes from the inside, therefore it stimulates the growth of eyelashes.

How can I grow my eyelashes after 50?


Nov 1, 2022