Castor Oil for Eyelash Growth and Castor Oil for Eyebrows
Toplash Eyelash serum (3 Month Supply) is a beauty product that is designed to promote the growth of longer, healthier, and more vibrant eyelashes and eyebrows. Its advanced formula stimulates hair follicles, enhances pigmentation, and strengthens lashes to achieve natural and long-lasting results.
The serum is easy to use and should be applied daily to the base of your upper lash line. Toplash is a popular and trusted brand in the beauty industry, offering a safe and effective solution for sexier and more youthful-looking eyes.
With more than 300,000 satisfied clients around the world, Toplash eyelash serum has established itself as a reliable and effective solution for enhancing eyelash and eyebrow growth.

What is the secret of a woman's charming look? Of course, in thick and long eyelashes. When a woman has a beautiful and fascinating look, then all the doors are open to her.
Castor oil for lashes
Achieve a dizzying length and volume of eyelashes without resorting to extensions, the use of false eyelashes and advertised mascara? This is possible thanks to the use of natural oils. Which one to choose and how to strengthen the eyelashes with oil, at the same time improving the natural hairs and improving their appearance?

Best oils for eyelash growth:
- Castor oil helps to strengthen the eyelashes, improve them, make them darker and thicker, as well as eliminate the problem of fragility and hair loss after frequent curling curler, the use of waterproof mascara. But it also has a relative disadvantage – a dense, even slightly viscous texture, which is why the oil is poorly washed off from the eyelashes.
- Burdock oil contains essential trace elements, bioflavonoids, inulin, palmitic and stearic acids. This tool will help make the eyelashes lush, elastic and shiny, as well as grow eyebrow hairs if you overdo it with tweezers.
- Nut butter has excellent regenerating and strengthening properties, gives the hairs vitality, elasticity, silkiness, and beautiful shine. The texture of nut butter is moderately thick, fluid. Applying it to eyelashes and eyebrow hairs is as simple as washing it off.
- Peach oil is rich in tocopherols, retinol, ascorbic acid, vitamins B and R. It also includes carotenoids, potassium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, fatty acids (stearic, oleic, palmitic, linoleic). This combination of nutrients provides high nutritional, moisturizing, toning properties of the product.
- Almond oil has a light texture, suitable for use with sensitive eyelid skin. As a result of its application, eyelashes and eyebrow hairs look healthy and well-groomed, their natural elasticity and elasticity are restored.
Before applying vegetable oil for eyelashes and eyebrows for the first time, do a simple test for an allergic reaction – try the product on the skin of the wrist or elbow bend. It can be used if after 20 minutes there is no itching and burning sensation, redness, irritation.
Apply oils in several ways:
Applied in pure form. This can be done with an eyebrow brush, a clean mascara applicator or a dry cotton swab. It is better to apply the oil in the evening. It can be warmed up a little to enhance the effect, and evenly distributed over the hairs previously cleaned of makeup and dirt. Leave for exposure (leaving the oil mask on all night is not worth it, 30-60 minutes is enough).

When the exposure time is over, the oil must be carefully removed with cotton pads soaked in warm water – attach them to the impact zone and gently, without friction, blot the remnants of the product combine several oils to enhance the effect. Oils (for example, it can be almond, peach and castor) are mixed in the same ratio, the resulting composition is slightly heated in a water bath and applied to dry cleaned hairs. It is better to do this in the evening, but you do not need to leave such a mask overnight – it is enough to hold it for 1-1.5 hours and gently wash it off with cotton sponges previously soaked in warm water. This method can give the best result, since almond oil contains tocopherols and phytosterols, and castor oil is rich in proteins and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Peach oil also contains tocopherols and essential acids, but its texture is lighter, which allows you to speed up the transportation of nutrients.
You can notice the first effect of using oils for eyelashes and eyebrows in a few days – the hairs look well-groomed, a healthy shine appears. By the end of the first course of daily use (it usually lasts from 10 to 30 days) they become more lush and thicker, acquire a deeper saturated color. To maintain them in this form and condition, it is enough to continue applying oils, but not so often anymore – only a couple of times a week.

Let's take a closer look at the beneficial properties of castor oil, which is considered the most effective for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows. Castor oil is also known as ricin oil. It is very thick and viscous, with a specific smell and a slight golden hue. Castor oil is extracted by pressing from the seeds of castor — an evergreen shrub that grows in tropical and subtropical zones. Although the plant is very poisonous, the oil is absolutely safe — thanks to a special technology, after its extraction from the seeds, all toxic substances remain in the cake. The main world producers of castor oil are India, China, Brazil.
Castor oil is used in cosmetology and medicine. It's all about its unusual composition — it consists of almost 90% of the rare ricinoleic acid, which is not found in any other oil. It has analgesic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects. Castor oil also contains stearic, palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids. In addition, it is rich in vitamin E, which strengthens hair and nails, smoothes the skin and protects it from early aging.

If your eyelashes have been damaged or become less thick, castor oil will help to restore them. It moisturizes the hairs, makes them thicker, shiny and strong. In addition, ricinoleic acid suppresses the lipid prostaglandin D2, which leads to hair loss. Using a special brush, apply warm oil to clean eyelashes, then blot them with a napkin, and in the morning wash with warm water. To notice the effect, repeat this procedure two or three times a week.
Castor oil intensively nourishes and moisturizes the hair follicles, due to which the eyebrows become more docile and thick. The result is noticeable after a month of regular use. Dip an eyebrow brush (or a cotton swab) in castor oil, remove its excess and distribute evenly over the eyebrows, moving from the bridge of the nose to the temples. Let the oil soak in and then rinse it off with warm water. It is best to do this three to four hours before bedtime. If you leave the oil overnight, you risk getting swelling around the eyes.
Castor oil is one of the most popular and valuable vegetable oils. It began to be used by the ancient Egyptians as a laxative and to stimulate childbirth. Today, castor oil is included in many cosmetic products: from mascara and hair care products to scrubs. In addition, you can add it to your favorite cream or make a homemade mask from it. A nice bonus: this universal beauty product is sold in almost every pharmacy.

It has been used for many years as a hair care assistant. The remedy eliminates hair loss, and also helps to restore them. And eyelashes are the same hair that must be taken care of. And although most people associate castor oil more with a laxative, it is actively used in cosmetology. You can buy it at a pharmacy, and for little money. In return, you will receive treatment for eyelashes, strengthening, restoration, and so on. In addition, your lashes will look like an extension.
The castor oil eyelashes itself is extracted from caster, which grows all over the world. It is actively used for the manufacture of soap, wax, bags, medicines and against cancerous tumors. In general, its use is multifaceted and gives an extraordinary excellent result. It is the castor that is the main component of castor oil on eyelashes. In addition, it contains linoleic, oleic, palmitic and stearic acid. In addition, the composition contains vitamins A and E.
This castor oil for eyelash growth has nourishing and moisturizing properties for hair and skin. It is most often used in a warm form, because it works much better this way.
Castor oil for eyebrows
Most often castor oil is used to restore eyelashes (the most common case is after unsuccessful extension or lamination, which led to partial loss of their own eyelashes or after childbirth).
Castor oil really gives an effect in about 1 month.
It restores the structure of its eyelashes: they become longer and visually bulkier. Plus – if there are sleeping follicles (in fact, hair follicles) – the oil awakens them.
It depends on individual characteristics – but it is really often the use of oil increases the density of eyelashes.

The composition of the oil includes a whole set of useful components.
The oil helps not only to increase the volume, but also heals eyelashes and eyebrows – strengthens the bulbs and restores the structure of the hairs.
If by points, 1 month castor oil eyebrows use has the following effect:
- Moisturizes.
- Fatty acids moisturize well and protect against negative environmental influences.
- Restores weak hairs
- The oil contains vitamin E, due to which it restores weakened eyelashes. Activation of collagen and elastin synthesis.
- Helps strengthen the bulbs
- Palmitic acid promotes the transport of active substances to the bulbs. Due to this, the eyelashes fall out a little less often.
- Accelerates recovery.
- Oleic acid improves metabolism in cells, strengthens eyelashes.
- Restores the structure of the hairs (due to the content of vitamin A)
- Increases the volume, length, density of eyelashes.
- Ricinoleic acid activates the growth of hairs, prevents their loss.
- It activates the cells of the hair follicles, which prevents hair loss.
The consistency of the oil is quite viscous, this allows you to align all the small scales. The product is well absorbed into the hair structure. After a month, the cilia become smooth and silky.
To consider the main benefits of castor oil for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows, you need to answer a few basic questions.
How does castor oil work on eyelashes?
Eyebrow growth oil activates the growth of new hair, awakening dormant hair follicles and causing them to grow intensively. Envelops every hair, moisturizing and nourishing it. Prevents the loss of cilia, helps to fill in areas without eyelashes with new hairs.
What is useful?
This valuable product is obtained by hot pressing of castor seeds. The plant is found in India, Brazil, China and other warm countries with tropical and subtropical climates.

What are the medicinal properties of castor oil?
It is used not only for eyelash care. The range of applications of castor oil is quite wide:
- it is used for the growth and strengthening of eyebrows – it will not be difficult to get thick, chic eyebrows with the help of such procedures;
- it also has a positive effect on hair: strengthens, thickens, promotes rapid growth and fights hair loss;
- in cosmetology, castor oil is used to moisturize the skin, get rid of dry skin, corns, wrinkles and warts;
- in folk medicine, it is used internally to cleanse the body and get rid of constipation;
- great for massage and rubbing with sore joints and just to relieve tension in the muscles;
- some nutritionists advise using oil for weight loss, but this method should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

What are the indications for use?
Castor oil is an indispensable assistant in the fight for the beauty and radiance of the skin. It gets rid of age spots, warts, helps to moisturize and nourish the skin. IMPORTANT: It has a beneficial effect on hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. This oil is indispensable for those who want to have thick eyebrows and lush, long eyelashes.
What are the contraindications to use?
Castor oil, like any other, has a number of contraindications:
- first of all, castor oil should not be used for allergy sufferers who have a reaction to oil. Before use, it is necessary to conduct a test: drop a couple of drops on the skin and look at the reaction. If there is no itching and redness, then you can use oil.
- For cosmetic purposes, you can not often use it when caring for oily skin, since the oil itself is thick and greasy, and can clog pores. The exception is the skin around the eyes, you can use it every day to care for it.
- Do not use the product for oily hair – the scalp may become even greasier, the hair will look untidy.
- It should be used for medicinal purposes inside under the strict supervision of a doctor, but it is contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, frequent constipation, kidney failure.
- It is contraindicated for oral use in pregnant women.

How is castor oil useful for eyelashes, how does it affect their condition?
Eyebrows and eyelashes are natural eye protectors from dust, foreign particles, as well as from the influence of ultraviolet radiation. In addition, eyebrows are often corrected with tweezers, eyelashes are twisted.
All these factors negatively affect their condition, so it is necessary to carry out a number of wellness procedures. It is the rubbing of castor oil liquid that stimulates the active growth of hairs, nourishes well and helps strengthen hair follicles.
You can trace the effect castor oil eyebrows “before and after” after a month of regular use. The effect will be noticeable.
What are the advantages of castor oil?
The main advantages of the tool include:
- Availability. Now castor oil can be purchased at any pharmacy, as well as any specialty store.
- Effectiveness. Regular use of this substance will help to improve the condition of your cilia, skin, and the whole body. It will help activate the growth of cilia, make them thick and long.
- Safety. This tool is completely safe when used correctly. The main thing is to follow the recipe and buy a quality product.
- Significant savings. The democratic cost of the product is another advantage of the product. You will be able to purchase the product you need for beauty at an affordable price. At the same time, the efficiency will also be on top. You will not need to waste time, nerves and last savings on expensive cosmetic procedures in a beauty salon.
- Great mood. When a woman sees the result of the procedures performed, her mood improves significantly. You will become more confident, more attractive to the opposite sex. Accordingly, each lady will be able to achieve her goals.

Eyelash growth serum diy
In order for your eyelashes to be thick, fluffy and attractive, do not rush to build them up and use mascara regularly. You can simply provide your eyelashes with care oils containing a large amount of vitamins, trace elements, useful acids and other components necessary for the health of the hair.
For this, the best remedy is natural vegetable oil. It is best to use unrefined, in which all the useful natural components have been preserved to the greatest extent.
Any vegetable oil is suitable for eyelash nutrition, but some types of oils are especially useful:
Top 7 best oils to grow eyelashes:
- Castor oil is considered the most useful in the care of eyelashes. This cheap remedy has a rich composition that strengthens and improves hair growth. Castor oil restores the structure of the hair and prevents their loss. The fatty acids of castor oil strengthen the pigment of the eyelashes, so that they become darker.
- Burdock oil is useful for any hair, and eyelashes are no exception. It prevents the fragility of the hairs, glues their scales well, making them denser and thicker. Eyelashes acquire a natural shine, and the skin around them ceases to peel off.
- Sea buckthorn oil improves the color saturation of eyelashes more effectively than any other, making them thick and fluffy. The hair follicles are strengthened, they become strong and elastic, begin to grow faster and stop falling out.
- Almond oil is the best stimulator of eyelash growth, providing shine and elasticity. The structure of the hair and its bulbs is restored, healing makes the hairs strong and gives them an incredible shine. Nutrition of the skin around the eyelashes saturates it with useful substances, which stimulates the growth of new hairs. Almond oil practically does not cause allergies, and there is no irritation on the skin.
- Olive oil contains many valuable nutrients that enhance the growth of eyelashes. This oil also provides a magnificent increase in the volume of eyelashes, making them irresistibly beautiful.
- Peach oil contains vitamins A and C. They prevent the loss of eyelashes and have a restorative effect on the hair follicles.
- Camphor oil is a salvation for weak and thin hairs that break easily and are prone to falling out. But this substance has too many essential components in its composition, so it is not used in its pure form, but three drops are added to a spoonful of any other oil.

All these oils can be used singly or mixed to enhance their effectiveness. An excellent effect is provided, for example, by a mixture of sea buckthorn, almond and castor oils. Rarer oils are also added to the mixture – from grape seeds or wheat germ, which allow to achieve maximum effectiveness of oil masks for eyelashes.
Some cosmetics companies produce complex formulations for strengthening eyelashes based on a mixture of oils with the addition of vitamins and nutrients. These products are applied using mascara brushes previously washed with water.
The properties of castor oil for eyelashes allow it to be used as an independent cosmetic, but to enhance the effect, it can be combined with other components.
Castor oil is used not only in undiluted form, but also in combination with other components to enhance its effects. Depending on the desired results, you can try these masks:
- for density – mix 5 g of oil with 10 g of vaseline and add a drop of Peruvian balsam;
- to strengthen and restore after eyelash extension – mix 15 g of castor oil with wheat, almond and flax oils, before applying, heat the resulting composition in a water bath;
- for antibacterial effect – add 5 g of aloe juice to 15 g of castor oil;
- to stimulate growth, mix burdock oil and castor oil in proportions of 1:2, add vitamin A and E (in capsules);
- to stop the loss, add the same spoon of fresh eloi juice and parsley to two dessert spoons of castor oil.
- to make it soft, mix 5 g of castor oil with an identical amount of peach oil.

To ensure the maximum effect of the mask with castor oil, a thin layer is applied to the hairs and left to act for 1 hour. After that, the remains of the composition must be carefully removed.
How to apply castor oil to eyelashes:
- Mix an oil solution of vitamin A with castor oil in equal amounts and apply for several hours. You can also replace vitamin A with freshly squeezed carrot juice
- Mix castor oil, burdock oil and vitamin E in equal proportions, apply for thirty minutes, then wipe with a napkin made of natural fabric. This solution accelerates the growth of eyelashes, activates the sleeping bulbs
- Mix almond oil with two drops of castor oil and almond oil, apply to the hairs, this will accelerate their growth and prevent loss
- Mix in equal quantities castor oil, chamomile extract and calendula. Apply a small amount to the hairs and the skin around the eyes.
- Mix a few drops of castor oil liquid with slightly warmed olive oil, moisten a cotton swab in this solution and apply a compress on the eyebrows for 10 minutes. This will soften the stiffness of the eyebrow hairs and make them easy to lay
- Mix castor oil with usma oil in equal proportions, apply overnight and wash off in the morning with warm water and soap. Regular use of such a tool will allow you to restore damaged eyebrow and eyelash bulbs, as well as stimulate their growth.
The serum for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows can be made independently at home. But why? You can use a serum that is designed specifically for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows. For example, Toplash serum is an innovative product. The main advantage of such a remedy is that the serum includes not only natural ingredients, but also the achievements of modern cosmetology were used in the production process.

Professional advice:

Does castor oil grow eyelashes
Strengthening of eyelashes with castor oil is due to its excellent nutritional properties, which were discussed above. To reduce the loss of eyelashes, you need to use oil regularly for 3-4 weeks. The use of Riciniol emulsion will accelerate the result by about 2 times.
Castor oil is viscous and viscous, it glues the protruding cuticle scales well. Due to this, the eyelashes become smoother, as if combed. It seems that they are growing more evenly.
With prolonged regular use, eyelashes grow a little faster — due to the nourishing effect of castor oil. The effect is long-term.
First of all, you will notice the visual effect — the tips of the eyelashes darken and seem to lengthen. With prolonged use of castor oil, the visual effect will become real — the eyelashes are longer in the growth phase and grow to the maximum possible length.
If you have light eyelashes, a month later you will notice that they have darkened slightly. Why? The color of the eyelashes depends on the ratio of two types of melanin, one of which gives the eyelashes a brown color, and the other — yellow. In blondes, the second type prevails. The ratio of both types of melanin is determined by genes and cannot change under the influence of castor oil. However, due to the thinnest non-drying oil film, the natural color of the eyelashes becomes brighter. The blonde's eyelashes will not become burning black, but will only acquire a deeper shade of light brown.

Does castor oil help eyelashes grow
If you were looking for how to speed up hair growth, you have undoubtedly met a lot of materials about the benefits of castor oil. Perhaps this is the most popular remedy for the growth of eyelashes, eyebrows and hair. It was even used by the ancient Egyptians to prevent baldness! Castor oil contains many of the most useful vitamins and minerals (from vitamin E to proteins and essential fatty acids), which activate the sleeping hair follicles, make the hairs themselves denser and stronger, which helps restore the natural density and length of eyelashes and eyebrows.
How long does it take for castor oil to work
A positive effect can be achieved if you keep the product for only 20 minutes. After that, its remains should be removed with a dry cotton swab, and not washed off. If you use the latter method, then all the useful things that the eyelashes have managed to absorb will also go away.
You will see the first effect after a few weeks. It is best to use castor oil together with other means, such as aloe, black tea, carrot juice.
Despite all the positive things that this excellent remedy gives, it has one not entirely pleasant drawback — it's the smell. In addition, it is quite thick and sticky, so a little discomfort may occur after application. In some situations, the oil causes allergies. In this case, you need a doctor's consultation. Probably, this is the only contraindication.
Does castor oil grow eyebrows
Castor oil contains a complex of fatty acids, from which the cells of the integumentary tissues, including eyelashes, are built. Other oils are also rich in LC, but most of them (especially PUFA) are rapidly oxidized and polymerized under normal conditions. Castor oil consists of 80-90% of ricinoleic acid, which does not react so easily and prevents the oxidation of other LC contained in the oil (linoleic, oleic, etc.).
The size of the castor oil molecule is relatively small, so it penetrates deeper than other oils and is better absorbed.
Professional advice:

Is castor oil good for eyelashes
Natural oils are the answer to all your problems with eyebrows and eyelashes! The use of natural remedies is not a novelty in the world of beauty. Even the ancient Greeks used olive oil to make the hairs thicker and thicker, and Asian cultures used coconut oil for the same purposes. Different types of oils have been used to strengthen hair for centuries and continue to be as effective in the modern world as ever. Compared to many chemically diluted products available on the beauty market today, organic pure oil will contain 100% natural nutrients that improve the appearance of eyelashes and eyebrows. The oils contain vitamins, nutrients, antioxidants and all the necessary components for optimal nutrition and accelerated hair growth. Among them: B vitamins, vitamin C, zinc, vitamin E and essential fatty acids. According to cosmetologists, jojoba oil for eyebrows and eyelashes, argan oil, as well as castor oil, coconut oil, almond and olive oil have the best effect.
Aug 18, 2022
Previously, my preference had always been for authentic cosmetic products, which is why I relied on oils for my eyelashes. Castor oil had been my go-to choice for a considerable period of time. However, by happenstance, I stumbled upon Toplash serum on the internet through a blogger's recommendation. I was intrigued, particularly since this product is formulated with natural oils. The outcome has been nothing short of astounding. I am genuinely taken aback by the results, and I have been consistently using it for a month.